We offer opportunities for neighborhood youth and young adults to complete court-ordered community service requirements within walking distance of their home. Weekends only.
Mentors and volunteers guide participants through yard beautification projects for neighborhood armed forces veterans and Just One facilities.
We range opportunities from yard design, clean ups, maintenance, permaculture techniques, youth support, event set ups, inventory, and ongoing maintenance. Just One offers prevention and service projects to support and encourage community cohesion through restorative justice practices and educational opportunities. Just One will onboard new community service programs on an ongoing basis to fulfill the immediate needs of the community.
How it works
Every 3 youth supervised by 1 adult
2 or 4 hour sessions
12pm to 2pm or 2pm to 4pm
Saturday’s and Sunday’s
Special needs accommodations
Snacks provided
Transportation opportunities
Anything that needs signatures are up to participants to provide