Get ready for Aquarium Day!
What to do:
Make sure to make a parent account.
Register your youth under “Summer Fun With Just One.”
Drop-off is at 12:00 pm
Pick-up is at 3:00 pm in food court
All Activities, projects, field trips, and prizes are free
Lunch and snacks will be provided
Back Up Plan:
Indoor activities, or our famous “Projects in a Bag” will be provided in the event of bad weather.
What is “Projects In A Bag”?
All youth who register for Just One’s Summer Programs will be put on the delivery list for “Projects in a bag”. “Projects in a bag” are just that: projects with instructions and material to do at home. The bag will be dropped off on your porch, similar to what we did during covid-19.
Bags will be dropped off on your porch even if you are not home. We cannot guarantee when the bags will be dropped off off because our staff puts the bags together that morning, plans their routes, split up, and will make the deliveries that evening.
Transportation for special needs accommodations:
Are limited, we ask for you to let us know ahead of time if needed! Email us at info@ifyoucouldsavejustone.org